Three Two Five Echo FC - an Addison Based Flying Club

Our club was created to provide advanced high performance aircraft to our members at a cost much less than individual ownership. To accomplish this we formed the club as a Texas Not For Profit Corporation. The club itself purchased the first aircraft, a 1985 Beechcraft A36. The club is the registered owner of the aircraft.

We purposely limit membership to insure high availability of the aircraft for long multi day trips. There are no minimum daily usage limits. The whole purpose is to encourage members to use the aircraft for long cross country trips.

Oct 21, 2020 Update: We've reached our membership capacity of 8, and are no longer accepting new members. We have started a membership waiting list.

Our Aircraft at a Glance

1985 Beechcraft A36 Bonanza

  • Continental IO-550, 300 HP
  • KFC 200 autopilot
  • Garmin 530W GPS/COM
  • GTX 345 ADS-B Out/In
  • Shadin MiniFlow Fuel Totalizer
  • Factory A/C